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Listening: Wynton Marsalis Plays Louis Armstrong’s Hot Fives and Hot Sevens

In the 1920's Louis Armstrong recorded with two groups of jazz musicians. Enter the Hot Fives and, the Hot Sevens. in 2006 Wynton Marsalis recorded many of both jazz groups songs in this live session at the Jazz At Lincoln Center in New York. If you love jazz this is a must listen. Upbeat and slow selections abound with very good sound quality, tone and pace. Aside from streaming on the usual services such as Deezer, Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal and Qobuz, you can download in either (MP3 or WAV formats) from the Jazz At Lincoln Center online store at

I've contacted Jazz At Lincoln Center to inquire if these recordings are available on CD or vinyl LP but have not heard back from them as of posting of this review.

Whether you stream or download this music needs listening to. Jazz enthusiasts will surely embrace them and those who are just now exploring jazz as a music medium will be introduced to great music and audiophile-level sound quality (except for the MP3 lossy format).

Edit: The folks at Jazz At Lincoln Center were kind enough to respond to my question about availability of this recording on CD and vinyl LP. Unfortunately they have no other plans to release this on physical media at this time. So, streaming or via download from their website is the only way to enjoy this great recording.

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Sonos product announcement regarding Spotify

We are reaching out to our customers in regards to a recent update Sonos rolled out in early December, 2016. Sonos software release 7.0 included some improvements that Spotify has made to the music experience on Sonos that has resulted in better reliability and will ensure the best listening experience moving forward. These improvements include the exciting launch of full control of Sonos from the Spotify app. 

The majority of Sonos owners who use Spotify have already successfully updated their system to 7.0 or higher. However, we wanted to give you a heads-up that beginning February 28th, 2017, Spotify users on Sonos who do not update to the latest Sonos software 7.0 or higher will no longer be able to use Spotify on their Sonos. This change could impact any unauthorized Sonos integrations in terms of Spotify functioning on those systems. Endorsed partner integrations that have updated to Sonos software 7.0 or higher will not be impacted. 

Any Sonos owner who has already updated their system to Sonos software 7.0 or higher is not impacted by this, but we wanted to communicate with you in advance so you can help all of your customers update to the latest Sonos software to ensure they can continue enjoy listening to Spotify on their Sonos. 

Here is a link to the full release notes of Sonos software 7.0
